Coming Soon to the Ross and Overcash Art Galleries

Ross Gallery


Paul Farmer

Exhibition Dates

August 16 – October 7

Farmer begins with macrophotography, bringing a small organism in to a large scale point of view that provides viewers with the opportunity to observe the minute details in a variety of lichen species. In addition to the photography, Farmer will also exhibit lichen and native plants in terrariums, bringing nature’s living artwork into the gallery space to complement his exhibition. A final interactive twist includes the photographic lichen

“This project received support from the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of North Carolina, the Burke Arts Council, the Caldwell Arts Council, the United Arts Council of Catawba County, the Rock School Arts Foundation, the Hiddenite Center, Iredell Arts Council, and McDowell Arts Council Association.”



Overcash Gallery

Once and Again: Alterations

Susan Lenz

Exhibition Dates

August 16 – October 7

Lenz connects art to memory through the use of objects such as vintage gowns, quilts, and old photographs. Words we may connect to these old objects may be recycled, antique, used, or vintage. Lenz’s purpose in using these “old things” is to make legacy visible to the gallery visitor. To form the foundational element of her artwork, Lenz uses the time honored and passed down skill of sewing. Through each stitch she meticulously adheres each object to her work and arranges them in artful and captivating mandalas.
