Student opinions needed, get Central Piedmont swag!

Central Piedmont is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Comission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which makes sure institutions comply with standards of education. The college works on continuous improvements, and is currently developing a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which is a requirement of the college’s process to keep our accreditation.

Student feedback was used to select the QEP topic, now we need your feedback to further refine it. Please join a virtual conversation on either:

  • Nov 16: 1- 2 p.m.
  • Nov 17: 1- 2 p.m.

Sign up for a session using this Google Form, and you will be provided the link to join the session virtually prior to the session. Attendees will be offered Central Piedmont swag! Your voice matters and we look forward to hearing from you!

Share your thoughts for a free t-shirt and lunch

We want to hear from you! We value your feedback and want to learn more about your experience with Central Piedmont and your college-decision process. Your feedback will help us focus our marketing efforts to better connect with current and future students.

You can attend an in-person focus group at Cato, Central, or Levine Campus. All participants will receive a free pizza lunch and a Central Piedmont t-shirt. Sign up on this form to let us know your availability. All selected participants will be contacted to confirm their participation.