Student opinions needed, get Central Piedmont swag!

Central Piedmont is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Comission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which makes sure institutions comply with standards of education. The college works on continuous improvements, and is currently developing a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which is a requirement of the college’s process to keep our accreditation.

Student feedback was used to select the QEP topic, now we need your feedback to further refine it. Please join a virtual conversation on either:

  • Nov 16: 1- 2 p.m.
  • Nov 17: 1- 2 p.m.

Sign up for a session using this Google Form, and you will be provided the link to join the session virtually prior to the session. Attendees will be offered Central Piedmont swag! Your voice matters and we look forward to hearing from you!

Your Voice Matters! Participate in a ‘Campus Conversation’ event.

The Central Piedmont Student Government Association (SGA) is partnering with the college’s department of Planning and Research to conduct three campus conversations to hear directly from the entire student body. 

Central Piedmont is preparing for its Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) reaffirmation in 2024. Our accreditation is vitally important since it impacts the college’s ability to award degrees, diplomas, and certificates to students – just like you.  It even affects your ability to receive financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education.

As a student, YOU are important to this process!  Your SGA Senators will be hosting three “Campus Conversations” events to open a dialogue to better understand the needs of our students. Based on your participation, topics in these discussions will include:

  • collecting ideas on how to make the first year successful
  • effective distance learning options
  • assisting in class and career planning
  • and more!

While the events will be open via Zoom to anyone who wishes to attend, the primary purpose will be to discuss issues, successes, and ways to improve the student experience from the student perspective.

Please join us via one of the following Zoom links to join in and participate in one of these open conversations. Help us shape the future of Central Piedmont! Join us on:

  1. April 20, 2021: 6:30-8 p.m.
  2. April 21, 2021: 10-11:30 a.m
  3. April 22, 2021: 2:30-4 p.m. 

If asked for a passcode, please enter SGAtalk.

Not able to attend one of these sessions? Please feel free to submit questions and ideas via this form!