Check out The Bill and Patty Gorelick Gallery Programs

Have you had a chance to visit any of the art galleries at Central Piedmont? Well, you should. The Gorelick Family has generously contributed to the exhibition of visual arts at Central Piedmont for the benefit of students and there is a gallery located on each of the college’s six campuses. There is a wide variety of art being showcased, and here are some of our favorites:

picture of an oil fire by artist Malu Tan

Malu Tan, We Didn’t Start the Fire, Oil on Canvas

Artist Malu Tan uses rich colors and careful technique to convey strong messages with simple scenes. Her inspiring work is on display at the Levine Campus.

picture of an orange glass structure

Elijah Kell, Ice Fields, Kiln-Formed Glass

Another interesting artist is Elijah Kell, a high school junior who specializes in glasswork. Elijah has his own public gallery and studio at only 17 years old?! Imagery plays a key role in his work, and the pieces he creates are truly breathtaking.

Check out the other artists on display; follow us on instagram @cpccarts, and share your experiences with us!