Keith Bryant’s Public Art Sculptures

Some of you may remember our Instagram story from last Tuesday when we installed Keith Bryant’s outdoor sculptures. Procession, seen above, features six groupings of poles with colorful adornments on top. Each pole is a different height, offering a staggered look, adding visual interest with varying levels. As the sunlight moves throughout the day, it hits the sculptures at unique angles, creating fluctuating visual effects with the light and color. This group of sculptures is on Central Campus in front of the art wing of Overcash Center.

Journey, stands on Central campus on the lawn in front of the Citizens building. If you drive down Chrarlottetowne Ave toward East 4th street and look to your right, you may catch a glimpse of it. Keith sculpted this piece using metal and bondo, a type of automotive plastic. The title as well as the curved shape is indicative of our own life journey. Certainly, all of us are going through trying times right now and can relate to the the challenges, twists and turns that come our way.

Keith, a ceramics instructor at UNC Charlotte, will also have an exhibition this fall in the Overcash Gallery featuring more of his sculptures. For more information, or to see more of his artwork, please visit his website