Advisory: Holiday Break Safety Reminder

picture behind Weiss building showing open sidewalkThe college will close Nov. 26-29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. As we head into the holiday season, please remember to stay vigilant and safe as the COVID-19 pandemic persists. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has issued new guidelines for Thanksgiving celebrations and Black Friday shopping, in an effort to, “help North Carolinians gauge the risks, protect their friends and loved ones, and slow the spread of COVID-19.”​

After the holiday break, m​any employees and students will return to our campuses, and we want to continue providing a safe environment to learn and work. It’s up to all of us to follow the mask mandates and other prevention methods that are in effect across the state. Remember, if you develop any COVID-19 symptoms at all, please stay home and consult a doctor. The more we can keep COVID-19 off our campuses, the more we can provide in-person learning opportunities (such as lab classes and hands-on training) that so many of our courses require and so many of our students need to complete their educational goals.​

So remember – keep wearing your masks, keep a good social distance between yourself and others in public, avoid large indoor gatherings, wash your hands frequently, and stay home if you feel ill at all.