Student Story: Stephen Jones

Black and white photo of Stephen Jones, arms crossed over his chest, with a large beard, slicked back hair and safety glasses resting on the top of his head.As an adult learner in Computer-Integrated Machining, Stephen Jones is determined to become a full-time machinist at Siemens Energy.

Stephen knew he wanted to pursue a new career opportunity after the birth of his son, and do something that he had never done before. Therefore, Stephen began investigating Central Piedmont’s programs. He is currently enrolled in an apprenticeship program run by Siemens Energy, in partnership with Central Piedmont.

Stephen has enjoyed every aspect of attending Central Piedmont Community College. “Computer-Integrated Machining instructors are very hands-on and helpful in any way they can. As a result, I have gained a great deal of knowledge, both in and outside of the classroom,” says Stephen.

Stephen’s advice for future Central Piedmont students: “Listen to your instructors and be willing to put in the hard work. The work you put in now will pay dividends in the future.”