Top Ways to Connect This Week

During this time where we’re all online together, it’s still possible to stay connected to each other and to Central Piedmont. Let Student Life & Service-Learning offer you some easy ways to maintain your connections virtually!

  1. Jump On Board – Job Search Strategies That Work. Finding a job in a virtual environment is tough! We invite you to join us for our Jump On Board workshop where we will help you navigate job search strategies that work. Complete the Registration Form today to reserve your spot. Or just join us Wednesday, November 4 from 5:00 to 6:00pm via Zoom. Contact Anita McGill if you have any questions.
  2. Advanced Manufacturing Industry Panel: Get information directly from industry partners that work with our programs and students.​ Join us Tuesday, November 10th, from 10:00 – 11:15am via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 939 7036 3544, Passcode: 111753).
  3. Life at Chapel Hill Q&A Session: The Student Researchers in Science Club are hosting a virtual panel with two students currently at UNC Chapel Hill in science majors, who will be sharing their experiences about school during the pandemic, life outside of school, opportunities, etc. Have questions you want to ask the panelists? Fill out this Google Form so they can answer them during the panel! We’ll see you on Friday, November 13 from 6:00 to 7:00pm via WebEx. (Meeting number: 171 431 2495, Password: PWzX3GZJC63).
  4. Presented in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College Library, Student Life, Office of Institutional Equity, and CMPD. Human Trafficking: Join us for a virtual panel discussion about Human Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. Join via Zoom on Tuesday, November 10 at 1:00 pm. (Meeting ID: 913 3715 0796, Passcode: 835284​)
  5. Central Piedmont is hosting a food share event on Harris Campus, where members of our community can get access to FREE food! The best part is, you don’t even have to leave your car, because it’s a Drive-Thru event! Join us Friday, November 13, 10:30 to 11:30 am. Advance registration is required. Register Today!
 Visit the Student Events Calendar and follow Student Life Instagram @cpccstudentlife to learn more about upcoming student events.

Questions? Ideas? Email and let us know!