The Shriner Music Library


Music Library Services

The Music Library is designed and equipped primarily to meet the needs of CPCC students studying music, but it is also open to all who are enrolled here. Students may study, listen to assigned music, use research materials from the stacks in the adjacent office (223A) and research subject matter on the Internet. There are five computer stations and one listening station for phonodiscs, CDs and tapes.

 Contents of the Music Library Office

The Music Library is full to overflowing with approximately seven thousand phonodiscs. The CD collection is much smaller, but growing steadily. To date there are approximately two thousand compact discs. Click here for CD listing.

The actual performance literature consists of music for piano ensemble, solo piano, organ, voice, chorus, solo instruments, orchestra, concert band, dance band and operas. Norton Scores miniature scores, a small number of VHS tapes and a beginning collection of DVDs are also available. Click here for DVD Listing. Click here for VHS listings

There is also a large Piano Pedagogy collection of method books past and present, as well as significant research materials regarding the teaching and playing of piano.

Research books in the stacks are categorized according to subject matter and cover theory, history, biography, instruments, children’s music, jazz, piano, conducting, chorus, song translations, music education, music business and dance.

Well recognized research holdings include the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (complete); Cassell’s French, Spanish, Italian and German Dictionaries; Harvard Dictionary of Music; Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians; The New Oxford Companion to Music and other quality research volumes. With the exception of a limited number of reference works, many of the materials may be checked out.

CPCC Learning Resource Center

There is also a vast collection of music research materials in the Central Campus library and in our online database. Resources labeled “circ” may be checked out, while books listed as “netlib” are electronic versions and may be read in entirety online. Those marked “ref” may be used only in the Resource Center.

Location and Hours of Operation

The Shriner Music Library is located in Room 223 of the Sloan-Morgan Building, 1220 Elizabeth Avenue. The office is open from 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.  Monday through Thursday. The lab remains open for student use until 7 p.m.  There is also a vast collection of music research materials in the Central Campus library and in our online database. Resources labeled “circ” may be checked out, while books listed as “netlib” are electronic versions and may be read in entirety online. Those marked “ref” may be used only in the Resource Center.

Contact the Shriner Library

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