Monday’s harp and oboe concert featuring Christine Leimer van Arsdale and Bo Newsome has been cancelled due to a family emergency.
CPCC faculty member Matt Postle in a jazz recital
On Thursday February 25 please join the CPCC music department in welcoming CPCC faculty member Matt Postle in a jazz recital 1230pm Tate Hall.
Admission is free.
Bechtler on Campus
Please join the CPCC Music Department on Thursday, February 11th at 1230pm in Tate Hall for Bechtler on Campus. Craig Bove, Mary Kilburn, and Tanja Bechtler lead the discussions of the art, music and historical context that share concepts and characteristics with music performed by the Bechtler Ensemble.
Music Majors Meeting
All CPCC Music Majors – please attend this meeting Thursday, Jan 28, 2016 1230pm in Sloan 101. Information on the the major, updates to the program, and much more…
Folk Songs for Flute and Piano
Please join the music department on January 21st, 2016 in Bryant Recital Hall for a recital of flute and piano folk songs by returning faculty member Mary Lou Paschal and Teresa Beaman.
CPCC Opera Theatre Auditions
CPCC Opera Theatre will hold auditions for it’s spring 2016 production, Menotti’s THE OLD MAID THE THIEF and THE MEDIUM on Tuesday, January 12 from 6:30-8:30 on the Halton Theater Stage. An accompanist will be provided. For more information or questions call 704/330-6571.
Stretch Run
Please join the CPCC Music Department for its stretch run of concert performances…
T Nov 24 1230pm Bryant Hall Class Music Recital
M Nov 30 130pm Tate Hall CPCC Chorus
T Dec 1 1230pm Bryant Hall Applied Student Recital
T Dec 1 7pm Bryant Hall CPCC Recorder Ensemble
W Dec 2 730pm Tate Hall Baroque Ensemble
Th Dec 3 1230pm Bryant Hall Applied Student Recital
Admission is free
Student Guitar Recital
Please join the CPCC Music Department on Monday, November 23rd, 1230pm in Tate Hall as we present Jeff Coombs and Kevin Foster in a student guitar recital.
Admission is free
Two Days of Jazz
Two days of jazz features the students in the CPCC Music Department Jazz Improvisation, Jazz Big Band , and Jazz Vocal classes in performance under the direction of Bill Hanna. Both concerts will be in Bryant Hall (Sloan 101) at 1230pm on Wednesday November 18 and Thursday November 19.
Admission is free
Phantom of the Opera
Be sure to see CPCC Theatre and CPCC Opera Theatre’s collaborative production of Phantom of the Opera opening Friday November 13, 2015 in Halton Theater. More information at CPCC Tix.