Kudos to Central Piedmont’s Cyber Security Team

2021 Cyber Security Team standing in front of white backgroundCongratulations to Central Piedmont’s Cyber Security Team and program area on its student’s performance at the individual and team level during the National Cyber League Competition, which took place Oct. 8 – Nov. 7, 2021. The team placed 137 out of 927 teams that competed nationwide, beating several four-year universities. In the individual competition, Central Piedmont student Daniel Freeman placed 209th out of 3,667 competitors. This put him in the top 6% nationwide. The other team members placed 1,225, 1,826 and 1,870 respectively.

Events like the National Cyber League Competition expose students to industry partners who may provide them with internships and full-time jobs – jobs are one of the best completion statuses our students can have.

Learn more about the National Cyber League and its competitions.