Attend an ‘It’s a Major Decision’ Session

You want a career plan and answers instead of uncertainty?  With registration going on, now is the time to think ahead.  Career Services online “It’s a ‘Major’ Decision” sessions can help.  In an hour, learn the basics of making a career decision, including how to:

  • choose your program of study or future transfer major
  • get reliable information about where the jobs are in Charlotte (and beyond)
  • find out what degree is needed for the job you want and how much it pays

Open to prospective and current Central Piedmont students – so invite your friends who are interested in attending too!  Come with questions to ask our career counselors, because there will be plenty of time.  Sessions are held Wednesdays at noon, and Thursdays at 4 p.m.  Sign up!

Career Services at Central Piedmont helps students with career/major decisions, job searches, and connects students with employers. Visit our website and let us help elevate your career.