Interview of the Month

This month, our blog reporter Martha Taylor, spoke with Frank Granger from Presentation U.

1) When did you start working at CPCC? I was officially employed July 1, 1979. I try to “start working” each morning, but something always gets in the way and I end up having a good time.

2) What are your job responsibilities? Presentation U. is charged with assisting faculty and staff with presentation materials. This includes PowerPoint, printed materials, signs, gifts, and handouts.

3) What’s your favorite part of your job? Next to the people I work with and for, its the chance to learns new things and share them.

4) What’s something intersting about you that people may not know? If I told you, you would know! (True – but ask Frank about printing)

5) What’s your favorite book? The next one!

6) Do you have a favorite quote? If you have no enemies, you are apt to be in the same predicament in regards to friends. – Elbert Hubbard

Origami on Display

Here are some pics of the origami display at the Cato Campus. Sharon Nance put the display together.

The origami was created by Yan Wang’s (our library cataloger) mother. Ruiyu Zhao came from China to visit her daughter’s family here in Charlotte. She loves the weather and people here. She enjoys doing origami with her two grandsons and planting flowers.

Raking and Pruning Have Never Been More Fun

Join the CPCC Libraries for a “Making Our Yards Beautiful” talk by Eddie Howell and Tom Bass on Friday, Oct. 14 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 404 of the Central Campus Library. You will be entertained by these lawn care experts as well as learn more about making your yard so beautiful that your neighbors will be jealous. Professional Developement Credit is available for CPCC employees. Sign up on Learner Web.

Rebel! Read a Banned Book!

Sharon Nance put together a small, but timely and interesting display of the CPCC library collection of “banned books” to recognize the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week. During our Student Resources Day at Cato, we spotlighted these titles. Students were shocked to see some of their favorites in the group. The Harry Potter books, The Bridge to Terabithia, A Wrinkle in Time and I know Why the Caged Bird Sings were mentioned most.

ALA’s slogan this year is “Read Banned Books!” Yes, do.

Interview of the Month

This month’s interview is with North Campus Security Officer Michael Ebalaroza.

When did you start working at CPCC?
I started in January of 2003.

What are your job responsibilities?
I make sure that faculty, staff, and students are secure while they’re on campus.

What’s your favorite part of your job?
Providing assistance to the faculty and staff.

What’s something interesting about you that people may not know?
I am a native of Hawaii. I was born and raised in Honolulu. I also sing with a Polynesian show and have performed at several CPCC campuses and in Las Vegas, Disneyworld, Sea World, and around North Carolina.
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