Did you know that March is both the National Engineering Month and Women’s History Month? To celebrate the two together, the Library has teamed up with Student Life and CPCC STEM-S to produce two exciting presentations called “Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in STEM.”
- Wednesday, March 20; 11 a.m.-noon: “Henrietta Leavitt, American Astronomer,” presented by David Privette, and “Linda Griffith, Biological Engineer,” presented by RoseMary Seymour
- Thursday, March 21; 11 a.m.-noon: “Famous Women in Computer Science/Information Technology,” presented byAnn Aksut, Susan Medlin, Lisa LaCaria, Barbara Neequaye and Jean Schoenheit.
The audience will be able to play the game Centipede, co-designed by a woman, on an Atari game system, with IT faculty presenting on various famous women in IT history.
Both events will be held in the 2nd floor atrium of the Central Campus Library in the LRC building.
In addition, there will be a “Women in Science” exhibit and display during the month of March at the entrance area of the Library.
Come join us at the library for the celebration!