The T&L Tea: Spring Wrap-up

Welcome to another issue of the T&L Tea! As the spring semester comes to a close, it’s important for us to take some time to reflect. This is a great opportunity to evaluate what went well and what could use improvement, both in terms of individual teaching experiences and overall departmental goals. Take time to assess your course(s), view student feedback, and plan time to make updates.

However, we understand that faculty’s lives may be busy and course design takes a lot of time. If you still want to participate in development opportunities this summer, consider setting aside time for personal and professional development. This could be attending conferences, participating in online workshops, or simply taking some time to read and research new teaching strategies. By dedicating a little of your time to design and development, you can set yourself up for an energized and improved fall semester.

If you’d like to continue learning with the CTLE over the summer, visit our Course Catalog for self-paced opportunities. And, as always, please reach out to us for assistance at We look forward to working with you in the fall!