Welcome to another CTLE “Toolin’ Around”!
What are these posts?
They are brief, easy-to-implement tips involving the tools we use every day with students to make our teaching lives, well, easier (and possibly even more effective).
Toolin’ Around Tip: The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence’s events are constantly being added to with new events, popular training with content for Panopto, Brightspace, course design, attendance training, office hours, and PLENTY more. To make sure you don’t miss out on what events are happening, we want to show you how you can subscribe to our events calendar. Now you have a way to instantly check at-a-glance view of what is going on at the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence.
- You can easily stay up-to-date on all upcoming events and programs.
- Allows users to register for events and plan ahead weeks and months in advance.
- Subscribe to the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Event’s Calendar to learn about this event and more!
For questions, reach out to the Helpdesk!
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