The Library celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month and Banned Books Week

The Library recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct 15) and Banned BooksLibrarian Cheryl Cole in a penguin suit with a red bow tie, hood with beak, and full penguin feet Week (Sept. 18-24). Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates all Hispanic cultures, traditions, and individuals. Read more in the Library Lib Guide about Hispanic Heritage Month.

Banned Books Week is dedicated to the books who gave their pages and binding to be put up to show that the Freedom to Read is an honorable right. Learn more about banned books in the topic guide.

Prior to a panel discussion on The Freedom to Read and to increase awareness about banned books, Cheryl Coyle, Senior Librarian -Levine Campus Library manager, coordinated a surprise Flash Reading of And Tango Makes Three at Levine and Central Campus dressed in costume.

Looking for a challenge? Test your knowledge by playing Harry Potter Banned Book Trivia. These games created in Kahoot! by librarian Cheryl Coyle will be available to play until Sept. 28.

Harry Potter Trivia 1

Harry Potter Trivia 2

Harry Potter Trivia 3

Need a moment on campus? Use a ‘Quiet Room’

room with sink, chair with foot stool. Another room with table, chair and plant.Quiet Rooms assist all Central Piedmont students, faculty, and staff with individual space for physical and mental health support activities away from open work and study environments.

The quiet rooms provide space for lactation, quiet contemplation, to de-stress, reflect, or participate in wellness activities. Consider using these spaces for: meditation, yoga, prayer, stretching exercises, relaxation breaks, breathing exercises, and/or mindfulness activities.

Visit the Library’s LibCal booking page to find or reserve a quiet or study room on campus.

Library Chromebook and hotspot check-out begins Aug. 8

The Central Piedmont library is pleased to announce that all current students will be able to check-out library hotspots and Chromebooks starting August 8, 2022. These will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. We will not be able to hold them in advance.

Student using phone and laptop in open seating area

View the Library hours of operation at each location.

Please note that all libraries, except for Central, will be closed on August 10th. The Central Library will open at 1pm that day.

New Parr Center Now Open on Central Campus

The doors are now open at our state-of-the-art Parr Center on Central Campus, including the new Hagemeyer library, food service options, and Student Union with lots of spaces to study, eat, and hang out. Please stop by for a visit! The address is 1201 Elizabeth Avenue but, trust us, you can’t miss this gorgeous facility in the heart of Central Campus.

Large multi-story modern glass building

Parr Center, view from Elizabeth Avenue

Here are some of the Parr Center features:

  • the Hagemeyer Library, a 21st-century library including a maker space, green screen and podcasting rooms
  • a Student Union, with Welcome Center, Admissions, Students Services, Testing Center, Advising Services, Student Engagement, Mentoring & Coaching programs, and International programs
  • food services, featuring Catalyst Coffee Bar, rotating grab-n-go items, and a dining area
  • group-study rooms with technology – meet with friends and groups
  • student commons with a collaborative stair, with built-in device charging and seating
  • Academic Learning Center (tutoring)
  • multiple outdoor/rooftop terraces (the best skyline selfie in town!)
  • redeveloped quad space (with lots of outdoor seating)
  • a theater with seating for 450
  • the Dove Art Gallery

The 183,000 square-foot Parr Center is the largest building constructed in the college’s 59-year history and will serve as our first-ever student union. 

As Central Piedmont President Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer says, “The Parr Center will be the new hub of student life on Central Campus. With its prominent location on Elizabeth Avenue, The Parr Center is destined to become the new front door to Central Campus, and its signature building.” 

If you can’t make it to the new Parr Center yet, you can get a sneak peek inside by viewing our online gallery.

Central Campus Library Closing June 24, Re-opening in the Parr Center on July 5

The Central Campus Library will be closing to the public on Friday, June 24, 2022, at 5 p.m.   The new Hagemeyer Library in the Parr Center will open to the public on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at 7:30 a.m.

If you need library services during the week of June 27, please chat with the Library Services staff online or visit any of the campus libraries for assistance.

Library hours

Library website

Stay Updated with the Library Newsletter

female teacher standing behind student while pointing to a computer screenLibraries play an essential role in providing safe, accessible, and free educational resources for the community. The Central Piedmont Library wants to make sure that you stay up to date on the many services and resources we have to offer, so we are launching a new monthly newsletter! Be sure to keep an eye out for new ones every month on the Library webpage.

Check out April’s Library newsletter today.

Celebrating National Library Week

the side of a blue mobile Library truck with the Charlotte Mecklenburg logoNational Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening our communities.

In addition to books, libraries also connect communities to each other and offer opportunities to connect with technology, programs, ideas, and classes.

Central Piedmont Community College celebrates National Library Week by connecting with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s new Mobile Library, endearingly referred to as “MoLi” (pronounced “Molly”).

The Mobile Library seeks to connect people of all ages to Charlotte Mecklenburg Library by lowering access barriers to library services. When you see MoLi, know that convenient access to Library service is nearby.

Please join us on April 8th, from 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm to tour MoLi and grab some cool library giveaways!

Save your spot today! Registration is open.

Expand Your Resources with O’Reilly for Higher Education

red and white O'Reilly learning platform logoTheCentral Piedmont Library now has trial access to O’Reilly for Higher Education. The O’Reilly digital platform includes books, videos, proven learning paths, case studies and audio books. Users also get access to exclusive O’Reilly content and as well as resources from more than 200 of the world’s best publishers. Topics range from programming to IT networking to project management to graphic design to business strategy. The content includes code snippets, certification preparation materials, practice exercises, training videos, and much more.
To access the trial, follow the steps below.
  1. Select the link:
  2. Select “Institution Not Listed”. (You will be presented with a screen with a dropdown list of institutions. Central Piedmont is NOT listed here.)
  3. Enter your Central Piedmont email address when prompted.

Access to this trial will only work with a current Central Piedmont email address. Trial access expires on April 14.

Need help accessing the trial or have questions? Please email

It Takes a Village: “Women Providing Healing and Promoting Hope”

Three women on panel
March is Women’s History Month – an observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. In honor of Women’s History Month, the Central Piedmont Community College Library presents: 

It Takes a Village: “Women Providing Healing and Promoting Hope” on March 23, 11:30am-12:45pm. Join us virtually via Zoom!

Come learn about many ways in which women have provided healing and promoted hope in our community and culture. The program will begin with a few engaging stories from The Mama Stories Writing Project about women who have been ‘healers” and provided hope in various capacities. The program will be followed by a panelist discussion about the importance of writing and sharing these stories.

Health and Wellness of African Americans – Past, Present, and Future

audience of studentsEvery year the Association for the Study of African American Life and History selects a national theme to bring attention to important developments in the Black narrative that merit emphasis. Medical racism is the systematic and wide-spread racism against people of color within the medical system, including the disparity in health coverage by race, and the biases held by healthcare workers against people of color in their care. This year’s theme focuses on Black Health and Wellness and will consider activities, rituals, and initiatives that Black communities have done to be well.

In case you missed it, check out a virtual panel discussion on the Health and Wellness of African Americans in Health held on February 22 by Central Piedmont Library.

Free Hotspots and Chromebooks Available Through the Library

image of Chromebook with central piedmont logo as the screen saver

Chromebooks and WiFi hotspots are available for loan — at no cost —  to help you continue in your classes this spring. If you need technology, we’re here to help you get the equipment and tools you need.

All student hotspots and Chromebooks will be managed by the library. Student hotspots and Chromebooks will be made available at all campus libraries for checkout. View all campus hours and locations. 

Hotspots will be checked out for one semester at a time. Most of the Chromebooks will also be available for one semester at a time. Hotspots and Chromebooks will be available for checkout at your local campus library starting January 10, 2022.

All student hotspots and laptops will be due back to the library on or before the last day of the spring semester (May, 20, 2022).

The number of available equipment is limited and available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please be aware we are not able to take reservations, either online or over the phone. 

For questions, please email Martin House at

Brightspace Orientation Available for all Students

Nervous about taking your first online course in Brightspace, Central Piedmont’s new Learning Management System?

We can help! Our one hour, virtual instructional sessions will give you hands-on experience with Brightspace.

masked female student looking at laptop

These sessions will demonstrate how to:

  • navigate Brightspace
  • turn on notifications
  • download the Brightspace Pulse app
  • take quizzes
  • upload assignments
  • post discussions
  • complete an Enrollment Verification Activity 

These sessions are open to all students. We think you should strongly consider signing up for this additional help if you: 

  • are new to Central Piedmont
  • are an English as a Foreign Language student
  • do not feel comfortable with technology

We also encourage you to use the Brightspace Resource Guide for extra help if needed.

Our goal is to make sure you are comfortable with the tools you need to be successful in class. We can’t wait to see you there!

View the Brightspace practice sessions schedule and register today

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage month text on black backgroundWhat term or terms are preferred to refer to the indigenous people of the Americas? Do you know how many Indian tribes exist in the Carolinas?  What is the history of Native American Heritage Month? Check out the library’s Native American Heritage Month guide to learn the answers to all of these questions and more!

Also, be sure to visit one of our campus libraries to check out Native American Heritage books on display.

Brightspace Orientation for Students

student looking at laptop in the classroom with central Piedmont face mask onNervous about taking your first online course in Brightspace, Central Piedmont’s new Learning Management System?

We can help! Our one hour, virtual instructional sessions will give you hands-on experience with Brightspace.

These sessions will demonstrate how to:

  • navigate Brightspace
  • turn on notifications
  • download the Brightspace Pulse app
  • take quizzes
  • upload assignments
  • post discussions
  • complete an Enrollment Verification Activity 

These sessions are open to all students. We think you should strongly consider signing up for this additional help if you: 

  • are new to Central Piedmont
  • are an English as a Foreign Language student
  • do not feel comfortable with technology

We also encourage you to use the Brightspace Resource Guide for extra help if needed.

Our goal is to make sure you are comfortable with the tools you need to be successful in class. We can’t wait to see you there!

View the Brightspace practice sessions schedule and register today.

Chromebooks and Hotspots for the Fall Semester

female student sitting outside with mask in front of laptop

Effective immediately, all student hotspots and Chromebooks will be managed by the library. Student hotspots and Chromebooks will be made available at all campus libraries for checkout. View all campus hours and locations. 

Hotspots will be checked out for one semester at a time. Most of the Chromebooks will also be available for one semester at a time. Hotspots and Chromebooks will be available for checkout at your local campus library starting August 9, 2021.

All student hotspots and laptops will be due back to the library on or before the last day of the fall semester (December 10, 2021).

The number of available equipment is limited and available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please be aware we are not able to take reservations, either online or over the phone. 

For questions, please email Martin House at


Black History Month Event Series

students in authentic African attire dancing in quad on Central Piedmont campusJoin Central Piedmont Libraries, Student Life, and Man Up male mentoring program throughout February for a series of Black History Month events to learn about some of the many facets of history and culture that have had an impact in shaping the tapestry of black family life. Black History Month acknowledges and celebrates the rich cultural heritage and contributions of Black Americans and their significant role in the designing of “America’s quilt.” The national theme, developed by Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALAH), highlights The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity.

All events are free and open to all. Check out the event calendar to learn more about how you can celebrate this month.

Central Piedmont Library Opens Individual Study Spaces for Students

The library has re-opened study rooms for individual student use! We recognize that students have missed having a quiet place to study and complete assignments, and we are pleased to offer these spaces for use again. To keep both students and staff safe from COVID, we ask that everyone follow these important guidelines:

• Only one student per room (no exceptions).
• Masks are strongly recommended, but may be removed while alone in the room only.
• The door to the study room should remain closed.
• No food or drink

Study spaces can be reserved at Central, Levine, Cato, Harper, and Harris Campus Libraries (and coming to Merancas in January). See our Reserve a Computer or Space page to book a study space.

Questions? Chat with us or give us a call at 704-330-6885.

Could You Use $500 for Books or Tuition?

The Theresa Thompson Library Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for currently enrolled students pursuing a two-year degree at Central Piedmont Community College. The scholarship is restricted to books and/or tuition assistance.

This scholarship award is made possible through library fundraising projects.

  • Two $500 scholarships will be awarded in the fall and spring semester.
  • Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by November 13, 2020.
  • Incomplete and late packets will NOT be considered.

Learn more today!

Available Library Services Fall 2020

Welcome to the Fall 2020 Semester! The library is here to support your academic success both in-person and online:

On-Campus Services:

Beginning Aug. 10th, we are pleased to offer a limited range of in-person services at all campus libraries:

  • Book and material check-out
  • Printing/Scanning
  • Computer use by appointment (for urgent academic needs)
  • Interlibrary loan

Library Hours:

  • Central Campus: Monday: 9 am to 7 pm, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 9 am – 4 pm
  • Cato, Harper, Harris, Levine and Merancas Campuses: Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 1 pm
  • All physical locations are closed on Friday (online services available)
  • The Cato Campus Law Library is also currently closed.

Online Services:

The library will continue its robust slate of online services, including:

We also wanted to note that a few services will be unavailable until we are able to enter future phases of re-opening. These services include:

  • Textbook/class material reserves
  • Individual and group study spaces

Check out our short tutorial highlighting our Fall 2020 services! The library’s full re-opening plan is available on our Covid-19 library guide. If you have any questions, call us at 704-330-6635 or chat with us here.