Make it Count! Participate in the 2020 Census.

Have you heard about the 2020 Census? Census Day is April 1, 2020, but we are already spreading the word about how important the census is to Mecklenburg County.


Because the census brings valuable resources to our community, such as federal funding for things such as healthcare, education, and transportation.

The census is a count taken every 10 years of every person in the U.S. It’s convenient, safe, and required. In the weeks leading up to the Census Day, you will receive a letter in the mail from the census asking you to respond online. Don’t have a computer? That’s okay. You can participate by phone or request a paper copy.

*International students and students with special needs: Please note there will be online and phone options available in English and 12 other languages. Also, the census will make available print and video language guides in 59 languages, including American Sign Language, braille, and large print guides.

It only takes a few minutes to ensure your family is counted. Everyone counts – from newborns to senior citizens! To learn more, visit

Recruiting Temporary Workers for the 2020 Census

The recruiting of hundreds of thousands of temporary workers for the 2020 Census – often described as the nation’s largest civilian mobilization — is now underway.

The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting 2.7 million people across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count. The week of October 21, 2019, the Census Bureau will host 2,020 recruiting informational events around the country. This is your opportunity to learn more about the jobs so you can earn some extra income while helping your community.

Applying for one of these jobs is simple. Just visit 2020census/jobs or call 855-JOB-2020 and select option 3 for more information. Pay rates for field and clerical jobs can be found at