Amy Bagwell’s Artist Talk

Thank you to everyone who came to hear Amy Bagwell discuss her art last Thursday in Ross Gallery.

Bagwell spoke about various influences in her life, poetry, and art, including School House Rock’s The Tale of Mr. Morton, Fred Sanford, E.E. Cummings, and Joseph Cornell. Audience members were treated to impromptu poetry readings as she spoke about specific pieces in the room, then enjoyed a strong discussion on the role poetry can play in art.

Amy is undertaking other efforts to increase the visibility of poetry in our community with the Wall Poems of Charlotte project, which creates murals of poetry throughout town. Check out their latest installment on the Dandelion Market building at 5th and Church in uptown Charlotte.

Stay tuned for more announcements of artist lectures throughout the summer.


Kit Kube’s Artist Lecture

Thanks to all who came out to hear Kit Kube lecture on his kinetic sculpture Scree Riding with Alamente, the piece in his installation Turbulent Trajectories. Those who attended were lucky enough to see the artist toy with his piece and manipulate it in ways they hadn’t seen before.

Kit had great things to say about the short tradition of kinetic sculpture and it’s place here in Charlotte (he once restored the Tinguely piece in the lobby of uptown’s Carillon building). It was very interesting to see the way the artist interacted with his own piece, revealing a versatility in presentation that cannot be acquired through most art works.

We hope you join us for our next artist lecture by Amy Bagwell, at noon in Ross Gallery on May 2.