Al Torres’ Image Shifting Magic

What is going on in this painting from design instructor Al Torres? Something really cool that is best seen in person! Torres creates his paintings using lenticular design. That means that as the painting is viewed from different perspectives, the image changes! This piece titled “Self Portrait/ Hope” will be on view as part of Past & Present, an exhibition of current Art faculty and their former students/CPCC alumni. Past & Present will remain on view in Pease Gallery on Central Campus through October 3.  Come by and see the magic for yourself! This is something you have got to see in person!



Exhibitions January 11 – March 7, 2018

About Face Charlotte
Scott Gardner and Hannah Blanton of Sozo Gallery

Exhibition Dates: January 11 – March 7, 2018

Artist Lecture: January 23, 3:30 – 4:30PM
Opening Reception: January 23, 5:00 – 7:00PM

Ross Gallery, 1st floor of the Overcash Building

About Face Charlotte is a movement dedicated to the cultivation of kindness, compassion and connection through photography, storytelling and community engagement.  By creating campaigns and projects that raise social awareness through art and empathy education, we help people connect to their hearts and provide direct pathways to action.  Our vision is to empower people to make a difference in their community.



Matt Horick: revert and continue

Exhibition Dates: January 11 – March 7, 2018

Artist Lecture: February 7, 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Opening Reception: February 7, 5:30 – 7:30 PM

Pease Gallery, 1st floor of the Learning Resource Center

Matt Horick’s latest exhibition at CPCC, revert and continue, will expand on the artist’s idea of sculptural editions, featuring a number of distinct works for both the wall and floor. The exhibition will include many of Horick’s signature white abstract forms, situated alongside a new set of sculptures created from found and recycled sheet metal, largely retaining the raw appearance of their original material. Begun while in residence at the McColl Center for Arts + Innovation in Uptown Charlotte, this exhibition serves as a culmination of the artist’s work over the past years.

Upcoming Exhibitions: Natalie Bork, Foozhan Kashkooli

Natalie Bork: Ripple
August 14–October 4, Ross Gallery

Artist Lecture: Wednesday, September 20, 5–6 PM, Tate Hall
Opening Reception: Wednesday, September 20, 6:30–8:30 PM

Natalie Bork’s hollow, cylindrical forms hover above the ground at various levels. Each form hangs plumb from a steel cable which enables it to oscillate left and right with the slightest breeze, draft or passerby. Viewers can walk in between the suspended cylinders watching as the forms slowly begin to spin. The child within may inspire the viewer to lay down on the ground and look up at the brightly colored bottom facets of each cylinder and relax as he or she watches them spin from the airflow. The cylinders react to the energy we give off when we walk or run, creating a ripple effect.


Foozhan Kashkooli: One Thousand Kisses
August 14–October 11, Pease Gallery

Opening Reception: Thursday, September 28, 5:30–7:30 PM
Artist Lecture: Wednesday, October 4, 1–2 PM


One Thousand Kisses is a collection of large abstract oil paintings and site-specific installation using recycling materials which highlights concerns around the endemic environmental issues. The visual language changes from one work to the next. Each work is composed of a variety of sculptural relief materials such as: wood, metal, recycling material and other inexpensive items intended for single use. The exhibition is constructed to draw the attention to the complex relationships between aesthetic appreciation of nature and environmental issues.

SENSORIA 2017 Event and Exhibition Schedule

Tuesday, April 4, 2017:
Annual Juried Student Show: Awards Ceremony & Reception

Awards Presentation: 5:30–6p.m., Pease Auditorium
Opening Reception: 6–7:30pm, Pease Gallery


Wednesday, April 5, 2017,  5:30- 6:15p.m.
LRC Greenroof  (Outdoor Patio, First Floor)

Matt Horick Sculpture Presentation: Unveiling New Public Art at CPCC


Thursday, April 6, 2017:   We See Heaven Upside Down, Opening Night

6pm- 7:15pm., Tate Hall:  MyLoan Dinh/ Lee Baumgarten Artist Talks and Performance by Moving Poets
7:30-9:30p.m., Ross Galleries:  We See Heaven Upside Down, Opening Reception

We See Heaven Upside Down is a multi-disciplinary exhibition that responds to the challenges concerning mass migration, displacement, and identity in contemporary society. Based on an idea by painter MyLoan Dinh – herself a refugee of the Vietnam War – and a collaboration with artist/educator Lee Baumgarten, the project has since developed into an international  dialogue that seeks to stimulate further discourse and understanding around these issues, inviting collaboration from those with both non-migratory and immigrant or refugee backgrounds.


The Organic Garden: Student Collaborative Sculpture Project
Overcash Atrium:  March 27- April 21, 2017
Lee Baumgarten / Ashley Knight / CPCC Sculpture Students

Over the course of the 2017 Spring semester, more than a hundred CPCC students collaborated with Sensoria artist Lee Baumgarten to create a monumental site-specific installationto be suspended from the ceiling of Overcash Performing Arts building atrium.


Something About a Bunch of Boats:  Painting II Student Response Exhibition
Gallery Reception, April 3- April 10, 2017

Visit for more information and a full schedule of events.

Welcome brand new Visual Arts Instructor, Andrea Vail, featured in this year’s CPCC Faculty Exhibition, Opening Reception THIS Thurs 9/24 4-6:30pm!

Andrea Vail creates collaborative exchange through an investigation of contemporary American society and its objects.  She earned an MFA from the Craft/Material Studies Program at Virginia Commonwealth University, and a BFA in Visual Arts from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2003).

Her recent projects include Woven Community, a citywide event supported by Culture Works Arts and Cultural District Grant Program in Richmond, VA; Gathering Clouds: A Quilting Bee with Andrea Vail at the VCU Anderson Gallery; Two Plus One: A 5 Hour Creative Interaction (co-organized with Rachel Emily Simpson) at McColl Center for Art + Innovation; and ONE HUNDRED CIRCLES with Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School; and Creating: Conversation & Community at the forthcoming Surface Design Association 2015 Conference – Made/Aware: Socially Engaged Practices.