“I like weird stuff, I’m often motivated to create work based on my own mental state, using art as an outlet. I’m inspired by bright colors and interesting mark making, as well as concepts of self- exploration and dissociation.”
Meet Maryam, one of our student artists in this year’s 2020 Annual Juried Student Art Show. Maryam’s piece “I Don’t Want to Paint Today” illustrates her artistic process. The 24” x 24” oil on canvas painting echoes her words in the bright colors, style and technique. CP’s affordable tuition and wide selection of art classes helps Maryam find her path as an artist. While Maryam enjoys experimenting with a variety of different mediums, she mostly enjoys painting and ceramics.

Maryam von Briesen “I Don’t Want to Paint Today”, 24″ x 24″, Oil on canvas, currently on display in the Ross Gallery.
Maryam is an active member of the Visual Arts Club at CP. Earlier this year, she served as the main curator of an exhibition (organized by the Art Club) at Novant Health South Park featuring CP student and faculty artwork. This large 100-piece exhibition features on four floors of the medical building and will remain on display through Fall 2020.