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Library Offering Plagiarism Workshop

It’s term paper season for CPCC students! To help our students understand the difference between plagiarizing and paraphrasing when writing a paper, the library is offering a class entitled “What is Plagiarism and How Do I Avoid it?” The session will be held on Wednesday, November 8th from 2:00 to 3:00 in LRC 205. Seats are available on a first come first serve basis.

This class will define plagiarism and some of the terms associated with it, introduce attendees to citations, and provide specific examples illustrating the difference between summarizing and plagiarizing. Attendees will also be introduced to “Dr. Cite Right”, our new interactive plagiarism tool. In this ten minute tutorial, Dr. Cite Right, who has a striking resemblance to Freud, guides students through an interactive introduction to plagiarism from diagnosis to cure. “Dr. Cite Right” can be accessed on our website 24/7. Try it now!

Library Hours for Fall Break

Hours for Fall Break are as follows —

Central Campus Library

Thursday, October 12th — 7:30am – 5:00pm
Friday, October 13th — CLOSED
Saturday, October 14th — 9:00am – 1:00pm

Cato, Harper, Levine, North, and Cato Campus Libraries will be CLOSED on Thursday, October 12th and Friday, October 13th.

IM-A-Librarian will also be closed on Thursday the 12th.

Pay for Print is Here!

All CPCC Libraries have officially switched to the Pay For Print system (the same as in the labs). Pay For Print will allow you to add prints to your account using a debit or credit card online. All users may also purchase prints with cash at any campus cashier office. The library will no longer be accepting cash for prints. For more information on the new service visit the Pay For Print FAQ. To add prints to your account follow this link.

Victory (Coffee) is Ours!

Victory Coffee is now open!

It’s located on the first floor of the Central Campus Library and currently serving specialty coffees, smoothies, and juices along with baked goods. Victory is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon; and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Hours are subject to change during semester breaks and during the summer.

Prices range from $1.00 for a small regular coffee to $3.90 for a major (large) size specialty coffee.

Check Out our Sweet DVDs

Attention students, faculty, and staff–The Library is now checking out DVDs! We have a collection of over 100 available at all six campus libraries. The loan period is one week.

Some sample titles are listed below —

12 angry men
Aileen: life and death of a serial killer
Alfred Hitchcock’s rear window
Aliens of the deep
American history X
Angels in America
Ask this old house. The complete first season
Auschwitz [videorecording] : inside the Nazi state
A beautiful mind
Brokeback Mountain
Capturing the Friedmans
The chronicles of Narnia. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Coach Carter
Cold Mountain
The color purple
Enron: the smartest guys in the room
Finding Neverland
Good night, and good luck
Grizzly man
Inside Hurricane Katrina
The last of the Mohicans
Lewis & Clark
Mad hot ballroom
The Manchurian candidate
March of the penguins
Mystic River
One day in September
One flew over the cuckoo’s nest
The pianist
Pride and prejudice
Rain man
Rebel without a cause
Romeo + Juliet
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler’s list
Super size me
To kill a mockingbird
William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer night’s dream
William Shakespeare’s The merchant of Venice