Are you an artist looking for ways to find opportunities to show your work? Are you an art instructor looking for exhibition opportunities to show students? Take a look at the CPCC Library Delicious page under the Artist_Opportunity tag. We have several good websites that offer artists of all levels, listings of gallery exhibition opportunities. Art Deadlines List provides listings of Art contests and competitions, art jobs and internships, art scholarships and grants and fellowships, art festivals, call for entries/proposals/projects, and other opportunities, in all disciplines, for art students, art teachers, and artists of all ages. has several free listings and you can also subscribe to the list for an annual fee and receive full listings of artist income and exhibition opportunities.
Sunshine Artist is also on the Delicious list it “is the nation’s leading publication for art and craft show exhibitors, promoters and patrons. It provides reviews of everything from fine art fairs and festivals to small craft shows around the country, focusing on all aspects of the shows from sales to artist amenities to the quality of art or craft. Also included in each issue: hundreds of art and craft show listings, including contacts, booth fees, application deadlines and the type of art/craft that the event accepts”