Want to know if your CPCC Librarians have added new and exciting webpages to Delicious? You can keep up with each new site added to CPCC Library’s Delicious page by subscribing to the RSS Feed. If you already use a feed reader such as Bloglines or Google Reader simply subscribe to the delicious feed by entering the URL: www.delicious.com/cpcclibrary .
You can also subscribe to have updates to specific tags. For instance, if you just want to see updates to the Current_Interest tags or Art then your URL for the subscription would look like this: www.delicious.com/cpcclibrary/Current_Interest or for Art: www.delicious.com/cpcclibrary/Art .
If you are new to RSS Feeds check out an article on the subject by going to our delicious list and select the tag RSS_Feeds. There is a very clear and concise article describing RSS feeds and several different feed readers. (The article is called RSS Feeds: A Primer) Microsoft Outlook also provides a feed reader.