The library now has trial access to two Gale nursing and allied health databases. These resources are being considered for purchase in support of the respective programs at CPCC. Please take a moment to give them a try and give your feedback using our online survey.
About these products:
Nursing Resource Center: Designed for community college nursing programs, Nursing Resource Center provides content needed by students for research papers and basic nursing theory overviews, including nursing care plans, as well as multimedia content. The content (just like Literature Resource Center) is organized into tabs: Diseases & Conditions, Assessments, Diagnostics, Interventions, Care Plants, Multimedia, Journal Citations, and Related Articles.
Nursing and Allied Health Collection: This is a collection of journals related to nursing and allied health.
CPCC faculty and staff can access the above resources from on-campus only. The trial period runs through October 10th. Your input is an important part of our evaluation process. Please forward any questions or feedback regarding these electronic resources to Jennifer Arnold and Elaine Kushmaul.