April is Amnesty Month!

Amnesty Month begins today!

Today is the first day of amnesty month at the CPCC Libraries! So get busy looking under your bed, in your closets, in the trunk of your car, or any where you think you have overdue or lost library materials (e.g. books, DVDs, videos, etc.) This is your chance to bring ‘em back without any questions being asked. What’s even better is that outstanding fines will be waived if the materials are returned in good condition. So how does this work, you ask? It’s simple. All you have to do is:

Return any overdue or lost library materials to any CPCC library.
Bring in a canned good or other nonperishable food item, and outstanding, unpaid fines from overdue items already returned will be waived. This excludes lost materials. Replacement fees for damaged materials will not be waived.

Library materials and food item donations will be received at all campus libraries until April 30. Food contributions from students, faculty and staff without current fines or overdue materials are also welcomed.

All food items collected will be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina, Charlotte.