The CPCC Libraries can be your lifesaver!

Are you suffering from:

>>Stress about finding research for your EDU or SOC writing project?
>>Not enough resources for your ENG 112 or ENG 114 project?
>>Need to finish the Scavenger Hunt for your COM class?
>>Can’t find a place to study with your math group?

The CPCC Libraries can be your lifesaver!

The virtual library is never closed! Click into our lifelines at 24/7/365!

Or try one of these simple ways to get help from your library:

>>IM a Librarian – chat with a CPCC librarian Monday – Thursday from 10am – 2pm and 5 – 7pm User name: ClicKnows

>>NCKnows – chat with a librarian 24/7, any day any hour

>>Ask a Librarian – email your question and get an answer from a CPCC librarian within 24 business hours Monday – Friday

>>Phone – call any campus library during regular business hours for help.
Stop by any campus library during regular hours.