It’s term paper season for CPCC students! To help our students understand the difference between plagiarizing and paraphrasing when writing a paper, the library is offering a class entitled “What is Plagiarism and How Do I Avoid it?” The session will be held on Wednesday, November 8th from 2:00 to 3:00 in LRC 205. Seats are available on a first come first serve basis.
This class will define plagiarism and some of the terms associated with it, introduce attendees to citations, and provide specific examples illustrating the difference between summarizing and plagiarizing. Attendees will also be introduced to “Dr. Cite Right”, our new interactive plagiarism tool. In this ten minute tutorial, Dr. Cite Right, who has a striking resemblance to Freud, guides students through an interactive introduction to plagiarism from diagnosis to cure. “Dr. Cite Right” can be accessed on our website 24/7. Try it now!