The CPCC Libraries would like to announce the following changes to our collection of full-text electronic resources.
We have added the following new databases:
- The Historical New York Times is a unique full-image archive that brings you the entire historical run of the New York Times, with complete coverage from 1851-2003. Every issue of this title includes the complete paper –cover to cover, with advertisements – with full-page and article images in downloadable PDF. An additional year of content is added annually.
- The eHRAF Collection of Ethnography is a cross-cultural database that contains over 350,000 pages of information on all aspects of cultural and social life. The information is organized into cultures and ethnic groups.
- Books in Print provides bibliographic information on more than 5.6 million in-print, out-of-print, forthcoming, book, audiobook and video titles, including publisher data and reviews. Users can search or browse by author, subject, or award. Looking for something to read? Check out Books in Print’s Reader’s Advisory page or Fiction Room, which allows searching by recurring character.
We have discontinued the collection of FirstSearch databases, due both to sharply rising costs and the duplication of full-text titles in the recently updated NC LIVE resources. The FirstSearch databases included:
- Arts and Humanities Search
- Alternative Press Index
- Alternative Press Index Archive
- ArticleFirst
- Biology Digest
- BusIndustry
- BusManagement
- Business Dateline
- BusinessOrgs
- Clase and Periodica
- Consumers Index Disclosure
- Corporate Snapshots
- Dissertation Abstracts Online
- EconLit
- Electronic Books
- Electronic Collections Online
- FactSearch
- GPO Monthly Catalog
- Media Review Digest
- Medline Newspaper Abstracts
- PAISInternational
- PapersFirst
- Periodical Abstracts
- ProceedingsFirst
- UnionLists
- World Almanac
- Worldscope Global
If you have any questions regarding these or any of the libraries’ electronic resources, please contact Jennifer Arnold.