
The CPCC Retirees Association Constitution and By-Laws


Section I
The name of the organization shall be The CPCC RETIREES ASSOCIATION. The Association was officially formed on November 7, 2007.


Section I
To socialize with each other

Section II
To promote volunteer activities at the College; such as assist with student events and other activities of the College

Section III
To keep retirees up-to-date on College events and certain national and state information that may be of interest

Section IV
To encourage continuing contact and support between CPCC and CPCC retirees


Section I
Membership shall be open to any person who has officially retired from Central Piedmont Community College.


Section I
The annual dues shall be set by the steering committee.

Section II
The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31.


Section I
There shall be quarterly general meetings each year.

Section II
A program shall be planned and held relative to the interests and needs of members at each quarterly meeting.

Section III
The Steering Committee shall meet prior to the quarterly meeting to hear reports and plan social/cultural activities.


Section I
Elected officers shall be a president, president-elect, secretary, assistant secretary,treasurer, and historian. A parliamentarian will be appointed.

Section II
Officers shall assume their duties January 1. A transition will be planned for the transfer of records.

Section III
The election of officers will occur at the December meeting. Voting will be by ballot.

Section IV
The term of office shall be for two years. An officer may succeed him/herself one time.


Section I
The President shall preside at all meetings—General and Steering Committee.

Section II
The President-elect shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence.

Section III
The Secretary shall record the minutes of the Steering committee and the General Meeting. The Secretary shall send out the necessary correspondence.

Section IV
The Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his/her absence.

Section V
The Treasurer shall receive membership dues and other income and deposit such funds in the bank account. The Treasurer shall disburse funds to all activities when requested by an approved voucher. Vouchers shall be accompanied with receipts and signed by the President.
Two signatures shall remain on the Bank account, with only one signature required for the disbursement of funds. The Treasurer will give a financial report (oral or written) at the Steering Committee meeting and General meeting. The Treasurer will maintain a list of current members.


Section I
The names of the committees shall be: Hospitality, Program, Amenities, and Nomination and Steering.

Section II
Hospitality Committee-The Hospitality Committee shall plan and implement the social activities that support the purpose of the organization.

Section III
Program Committee-The Program Committee shall develop programs that are consistent with the purpose of the organization

Section IV
Amenities Committee -The Amenities Committee shall send cards upon the death or illness of a member or the immediate family of a member. The immediate family to mean the association member, the spouse or the children of the member. A contribution to the CPCC Foundation will be made at the end of each calendar year in memory of all deceased association members for that year.

Section V
Nomination Committee-The Nomination Committee shall develop a list of candidates that are willing to serve the organization in the role of President, President-elect, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Other officers may be determined at a later date.

Section VI
Steering Committee-The Steering Committee shall review programs of interest for the organization that will be presented at its regular quarterly meetings. This committee is responsible for the oversight and implementation of the yearly activities of the organization. Members of the Steering Committee will be elected officers, immediate past President, and committee chairs. Committee chairs are appointed by the President.


Section I
Robert Rules of Order, revised, shall be the parliamentary authority on all procedures not covered by this Constitution/By Laws.


Section I
If the CPCC Retirees Association is dissolved, all monies in the treasury will go to the CPCC Foundation and Scholarship Fund.

Approved September 2008
Distributed December 2008
Revised December 2011 and distributed January 2012