Jazz at CPCC

Matt Postle

Jazz Vocal (MUS151J)
This course provides group instruction in skills and techniques of the particular instrument or voice for those with little or no previous experience. Emphasis is placed on techniques and styles and the exploration and study of appropriate literature. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the studied skills and repertoire through performance. MUS 151J is Jazz Vocal which will include singing solos as well as scat singing and modern 4-part harmony.

Jazz Improv 1 & 2 (MUS135 & 136, 235, 236)
Jazz Improv I MUS135
This course provides an opportunity for those who play an appropriate instrument to gain experience playing in a jazz ensemble. Emphasis is placed on jazz ensemble techniques and the study and performance of a variety of styles of jazz literature. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills needed to participate in ensemble playing leading to performance. This course provides the opportunity for development of jazz improvisational skills using chords related to 12-bar blues and simple songs using II-V-I progressions.

Jazz Improv II, II, IV MUS136, 235, 236
These courses are a continuation of MUS 135. Emphasis is placed on jazz ensemble techniques and the study and performance of a variety of styles and periods of jazz literature. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills needed to participate in ensemble playing leading to performance. This course provides opportunities for learning to improvise over chord changes inherent in each jazz style studied.

Big Band Jazz MUS253
This course includes the Big Band instrumentation of five saxes, four trumpets, four trombones, and four-piece rhythm section (bass, piano, drums, and guitar). Emphasis is placed on learning the repertoire specifically written for Big Band instrumentation. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills needed to participate in performance of Big Band music.

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