Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Coming Week

Central Piedmont offers you a ton of ways to get involved, make friends, do good for others, and have fun. While we offer hundreds of unique experiences on each campus during the semester (calendar of events), here are the Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Week.

  1. Service-In-Action Event: Children’s Theatre (Off-Campus): (Wed, March. 11, 9 am-11am and 11am-1pm)  Student volunteers will assist in ushering in school groups attending the playhouse to watch the performance. They are welcome to watch most of the performance, and then at the conclusion, will assist in ushering the school groups back outside to their buses. Ushers are asked to wear a print-free white top and black bottoms or a Central Piedmont shirt. Volunteers will be indoors and will be able to store their coats and bags if necessary. **5 volunteers requested at each shift. Please sign up here.
  2. Spring Fling (Merancas Campus): (Mon, March 16, 9:30 am-11:30am)
    Join Student Life and SGA for our annual spring festival! There will be various recreational activities, arts and crafts, treats, and music! Please contact:
  3. Spring Fest (City View Campus): (Tues, March 17, 11am-2:00pm) Join us for a day full of music, games, and activities. Contact:
  4. Women’s Rights: Let’s Talk –Valiant Women of the Vote (Central Campus): (Tue, March 17, 11am-1:30pm) Join us for a discussion on Women’s Rights in honor of Women’s History Month. Light refreshments served.
  5. Where Are My Clovers?: (Central Campus): (Tue, March 17, 12:30 pm-3pm) The Campus Activities Board is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day-themed scavenger hunt around Central campus! There will be prizes for those who find all the clues. The first clue is at our Table at the Worrell Patio. There will be free snacks, prizes, and bead necklaces!

Please visit our websites for complete information about the Offices of Student Life & Service-Learning.

  1. Please sign up here. for this event using the following link: CPCC Service-In-Action Website Address: ImaginOn: The Joe & Joan Martin Center, 300 E 7th St, Charlotte, NC 28202. There are two shifts you may sign up for on this project.

Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Coming Week

Central Piedmont offers you a ton of ways to get involved, make friends, do good for others, and have fun. While we offer hundreds of unique experiences on each campus during the semester (calendar of events), here are the Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Week.

  1. Black History Month: Film and Discussion (Levine Campus)- Wed., Feb. 26, 3pm-5pm: Watch “Selma” and join us for some discussion. Refreshments provided.
  2. It’s Showtime (Central Campus) – Thu., Feb. 27, 5:30pm-7:30pm: Come out to the North Classroom building, room 1123 and watch your favorite shows and movies from the late 1990s and early 2000s with the Central campus Activity Board! Make new friends, have some snacks, and have a lot of fun! Contact with any questions or how to get involved!
  3. Service-In-Action Event: Latta Nature Preserve (Off-Campus) – Sat., Feb. 29, 9am-1:30pm and 1pm-5pm: THERE ARE TWO SHIFTS YOU MAY SIGN UP FOR ON THIS PROJECT. First shift: 9am-1:30pm Second Shift: 1pm-5pm Address: The Latta Nature Preserve, 5226 Sample Road, Huntersville NC, 28078. Student volunteers will assist with a variety of stations, including but not limited to: crafts, games, registration, assisting with shuttles, preparing free popcorn, tending fire pits, etc. Please dress according to the weather as this event is outside. Feel free to dress in fairy-themed clothing! **20 volunteers requested for each shift.
  4. Food Pantry Open House (Harper Campus) -Mon., March 2, 2pm-4pm:
    Did you know each campus has an emergency food pantry? During this open house event, faculty, staff, and students can stop by to learn more about the food pantry and how we fight hunger on campus. Contact with questions
  5. Women’s Suffrage/Voter Rights Program (Central Campus) – Tue., March 3, 11am-12pm in Tate Hall: Come out and learn about the 100 year anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment that gave women in the US the right to vote! The presentation will also include other voter rights issues and Q+A. Presentation is being facilitated by the League of Women’s Voters – Charlotte. Contact to become involved.

Please visit our websites for complete information about the Offices of Student Life & Service-Learning.

Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Coming Week

Central Piedmont offers you a ton of ways to get involved, make friends, do good for others, and have fun. While we offer hundreds of unique experiences on each campus during the semester (calendar of events), here are the Top 5 Ways to Plug-In This Week.International students sit on ground working

  1. Volunteer Fair (Levine Campus): (Wed., Feb. 19, 11:30am-1pm) Stop by and meet local nonprofits and community organizations! These organizations have multiple opportunities for students to gain service hours and give back to their community. Contact: for more information.
  2. Business Etiquette Lunch Training (Central Campus): (Thu., Feb. 20, 11:30am-12:30pm) Professional work settings may require you to join your future boss for a meal. Do you have the skills to eat while speaking professionally? Wonder which fork to use? Do you need to practice your “small talk” with strangers? Students will have free lunch in the Van Every Culinary building at Central Campus the following week, and this mandatory etiquette training session is required the week before the lunch. Contact for more information.
  3. Service In Action – Reedy Creek Elementary (Off-Campus): (Sat., Feb. 22, 10am-2pm) Students will participate in the festival for parents and students at the school. Volunteers will work in partners to run the exhibits, teachers will be present to guide and explain. Volunteers will be indoors and it is suggested that they wear a t shirt with jeans and sneakers (casual). Please sign up for this event using the following link: CPCC Service-In-Action Website
  4. Recreation Volleyball (Central Campus): (Mon., Feb. 24, 1pm-3pm) Come on out to the Worrell gymnasium and play some volleyball! Drop-in style of play with teams based on who shows up first. Open to all currently enrolled CP students with current semester sticker. Appropriate dress required to participate.
  5. Black History Month Trivia (Harper Campus): (Tue., Feb. 25, 11:30am-1pm) Join us at the Harper 4 First Floor Atrium to show off your history skills and learn some great Black History Month facts!

Please visit our websites for complete information about the Offices of Student Life & Service-Learning.