Central Piedmont blood drive was a success

On Thursday, Sept. 15, Central Piedmont hosted a blood drive simultaneously for our entire Central Piedmont community on all six campuses. One Blood, our community partner, is very pleased with the success of the event. They collected from 85 donors which will go on to impact the lives of up to 255 local patients when needed!

OneBlood was able to collect:

  • Central Campus – 15 procedures, 17 products
  • Harper Campus – 11 procedures, 14 products
  • Harris Campus – 6 procedures, 7 products
  • Levine Campus, on the Whole Blood Bus – 24 procedures, 25 products
  • Levine Campus, on the Platelet Bus– l5 procedures, 9 products
  • Merancas Campus – 10 procedures, 12 products
  • Cato Campus – 14 procedures, 15 products

Thank you to everyone who helped donate blood to save lives in our community. Stay tuned for the next blood drive for the opportunity to give again.

Do you want to be a pastry chef?

Chef in chef coat preparing many small individual desserts on tableDo you want to be a pastry chef? If yes, then the Baking & Pastry Arts (BPA) Program invites you to join us at an upcoming Student Information Session. Students who are eligible could start classes as soon as Oct. 12.

You will have an opportunity to interact and observe current students in classes and taste samples of students’ classwork. Each information session provides you with an overview of the program enrollment requirements, costs and college resources.

  • October 4, 2022; 10 a.m.- noon in Harris I, Auditorium

The session will help you understand of the program expectations, the enrollment process, and general education requirements. Those who are ready to enroll will have an opportunity to schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss registration.

Tell us how Central Piedmont can serve you better

You could win a prize! The Central Piedmont Strategic Planning Team wants to hear from students about how the college can provide more support, and help serve you–our students–more effectively. Your feedback will help make Central Piedmont a more efficient institution as we strive to provide you with a supportive environment for your education. A door prize will be awarded at each session. 

Coming to a campus near you, visit us on one of these dates to engage in these campus conversations. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! 

Campus Date Time Location
Merancas Tuesday, Sept. 27 12:30-1:30 p.m. CJ building Auditorium
Levine Wednesday, Sept. 28 12:30-1:30 p.m. Levine II, Room 2302
Harper Thursday, Sept. 29 12:30-1:30 p.m. Harper I, Room 108
Cato Friday, Sept. 30 9:30-10 a.m. Cato III, Room 131
Harris Wednesday, Oct. 5 12-1 p.m. Harris I, Room 1222
City View Wednesday, Oct. 5 2:30-3:30 p.m. OA 130-A


Free 5K race registration for ‘Race Against Isms’

Race against Isms 5K with 3 runners in race bibs cheeringTIAA is sponsoring a “Race Against Isms” on October 16, 2022, on the campus of UNC Charlotte and want to give you a free registration.
As part of TIAA’s “Be the Change” program, a call to action has been coordinated. They are inviting our communities to take a stand against social injustice and all isms that negatively impact society, such as ableism, sexism, ageism, classism, antisemitism, heterosexism, sizeism and racism. Registration for the race is FREE for Central Piedmont employees and students. 
Register for the race through TIAA and select “University Students and Staff” for free registration.

STEM Scholars Academy scholarship established

Group of smiling men and women who were Scholarship presenters from Honeywell

STEM Scholars Academy Event & Check Presentation, September 6, 2022

Honeywell, a global leader in aerospace, building technologies, performance materials, and technologies, has made a $1-million gift commitment to Central Piedmont Community College to establish the Honeywell STEM Scholars Academy at the college. The gift was announced on Sept. 6 and will come to Central Piedmont in annual installments of $200,000 over the next five years.

The Honeywell STEM Scholars Academy will boost diversity among students enrolled in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) programs at the college who are pursuing a certification, degree, and careers in a high-demand STEM-related field. The college plans to involve 100 students in the academy, beginning in fall 2022, and seeks to engage 125 additional students each year, over the next four years.

As a Honeywell STEM Scholars Academy student, participants will have the opportunity to focus on one of three STEM academic pathways at Central Piedmont – engineering, health sciences, or information technology – and have access to a variety of Central Piedmont’s student support services, including tutoring, coaching, peer mentoring, career counseling, and more.

In addition to having the opportunity to take advantage of Central Piedmont’s many academic resources, academy students will receive STEM education and training opportunities through the Carolina Youth Coalition, a non-profit organization that prepares high-achieving, under-resourced students to enter, excel in, and graduate from college so they can become full participants in society. Continue reading

Dove art gallery dedicated

Large group of people standing in front of the Dove art gallery in Parr Center

Pauline Dove Art Gallery Dedication, September 8, 2022

Central Piedmont dedicated the Pauline Dove Gallery, located in the college’s new Parr Center, on September 8.

Pauline, affectionately known as “Polly,” taught art at the college for 30 years, before retiring in 2000. Read more about her work and recent installation honoring her sister, Selma.

A world-renowned artist, Dove’s work has been exhibited across the globe, including in Canada, India, Germany, Finland, Kenya, and Peru. Today, her paintings can be viewed on billboards across the Queen City, promoting ARTPop, an Arts & Science Council initiative that showcases local artists’ work in public places to make art accessible to all people in the Charlotte community.

Meet with your next school on ‘Transfer Tuesdays’

Students talking a college rep at Transfer Fair

College Transfer Fair

What are your plans after you finish at Central Piedmont? If you’re looking to transfer to a 4-year school to continue your education, visit with representatives during Transfer Tuesdays to find the school for you and get your questions answered.

Find out when representatives are visiting each campus and mark your calendar to attend!

Apply for Graduation today!

Student in graduation cap and gown holding a sign reading #cpccgrad22

Commencement, May 12th, 2022, Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina

Central Piedmont is proud to host our very first fall graduation ceremony Tuesday, December 13, at 10 a.m. If you and your advisor have determined this is your last semester of classes and you are ready to graduate with a college degree or diploma, you can apply now for fall graduation through MyCollege (requires login). 

After we receive your graduation application, your graduation analyst will send you additional information on other actions you will need to take (it may take 2-4 weeks to process and review your application). If you are eligible for graduation after application, you will also receive an email from “MarchingOrder” noreply@marchingorder.com to register for the ceremony. 

Participating in the graduation ceremony is optional, so if you would like to be a part of this celebration, we would love to help recognize your accomplishments. You must register for the ceremony by these deadlines in order to participate in December 2022 ceremony:

  • October 20, 2022: Last day to apply for graduation in MyCollege to have your name displayed in the graduation ceremony printed program.
  • November 14, 2022: Last day to register in MarchingOrder to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you do not register in MarchingOrder by this date, you will be able to register for the May 2023 ceremony.
  • November 29 – December 1, 2022: The Graduation Fair will be held at the Central Campus Store for students participating in the ceremony to pick up your free cap and gown. Times to be determined.

Find more dates and information on the Graduation Office website and under the “Important Deadlines” tab. 

Please note that Adult High School, GED, and HiSet graduates do not need to apply for graduation. All completers will receive an email to sign up for the December ceremony through MarchingOrder. If you complete your requirements for graduation after November 14, you will be invited to participate in the May 2023 graduation ceremony.

Any questions regarding graduation or the ceremony may be directed to the Graduation Office, graduation@cpcc.edu.

We look forward to celebrating your hard work at the ceremony!

Share your thoughts for a free t-shirt and lunch

We want to hear from you! We value your feedback and want to learn more about your experience with Central Piedmont and your college-decision process. Your feedback will help us focus our marketing efforts to better connect with current and future students.

You can attend an in-person focus group at Cato, Central, or Levine Campus. All participants will receive a free pizza lunch and a Central Piedmont t-shirt. Sign up on this form to let us know your availability. All selected participants will be contacted to confirm their participation.

Donate blood and save a life

one blood big red bus for blood donationsDid you know that one blood donation can save up to three lives? You have greater powers than you know! Please consider donating blood at the next blood drive, September 15, at all campus locations. All donors will receive a $20 eGift Card, a OneBlood T-shirt, and socks.

When: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Where: All Central Piedmont Campuses
How: Appointments are strongly encouraged by signing up in advance. Select your campus location, and choose an available time to sign-up:

Cato Campus 

Central Campus

Harper Campus

Harris Campus

Levine Campus

Levine Campus Platelet Bus

Merancas Campus

Questions? Contact: Jesse.Bennett@cpcc.edu

Join Psi Beta psychology honor society

Love psychology? Consider joining Psi Beta, the national honor society in psychology for community colleges. We are the Central Piedmont Community College Levine Campus Chapter. While the name identifies Levine Campus, this group is for all students and most meetings are held virtually.

If you are interested in joining a club where topics are relatable to you, where there is a social benefit, where you can bond and support one another, then Psi Beta is for you.

Psi Beta members have been amazing and won the Chapter Excellence Award (national organization recognition) for three years in a row (2019-2022). This is a huge accomplishment that took effort, but not an overwhelming amount of time. Instead, this is a result of members’ focus and commitment. Psi Beta allows students the freedom to share and learn about psychology as well as achieve goals set associated with self-development, leadership, and community-building.

Contact: Deninne Pritchett (deninne.pritchett@cpcc.edu)

Interest Meeting:
Tuesday, September 6, 3 p.m. on WebEx
Meeting link: https://cpcc.webex.com/cpcc/j.php?MTID=m7ed45c671d66ab2514e3e37cdaeaf2df

Meeting number: 2436 306 5956
Password: psychology
Agenda: Introduction to Psi Beta, discuss semester meeting dates, and ideas for club activities.

Attend a 9/11 Commemoration on Sept. 8

Please join us as we pay tribute to the many lives that were lost on September 11, 2001, and the events that changed America forever. The Merancas Campus office of Military Family and Veterans Services, along with the first responder programs, will hold a remembrance ceremony of the events of 9/11. All are welcome to attend.

September 8, 2022, 8:30 a.m.
Location: Merancas Campus; Belk Center For Criminal Justice (outside at the flag pole)

Sponsored by:

  • Military Family and Veterans Services
  • Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Training
  • Fire Protection Technology Program


Learn more about technical careers in industrial inspections

Two students and instructor using technology to examine a weld with a screen on a table

Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) technology is a collection of industrial inspection methods in high demand in the manufacturing and maintenance industries. NDE technology is used in power generation (nuclear and fossil), transportation (aviation, ship building, railroads, bridges), petrochemical, manufacturing, construction, and many other industries.

Central Piedmont is the only college in North Carolina to offer an associate degree in NDE. We teach the six core NDE methods: Ultrasonic, Radiography, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, and Visual Testing.

Attend an information session to learn more about the NDE degree.
All sessions will be held at Harper Campus, in Harper Building I, Room 362:

  • Thursday, September 15, 2022 10–11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022 6–7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 4, 2022 10–11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, October 27, 2022 6–7:30 p.m.
  • Monday, November 7, 2022 10–11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, November 17, 2022 6–7:30 p.m.

The industry has grown 12% over the last two years and is expected to grow by 26% over the next ten years. A career in NDE pays well and suits people who like to work with their heads and hands. Career paths in NDE can range from technician, engineering, supervision, management, sales, or independent contractor.

Dove Art Gallery presents ‘Collective Agency’ exhibit

Abstract black and white drawing covering an entire wall and yellow abstract 3-D sculpture on the floorThe Central Piedmont Dove Gallery is pleased to present “Collective Agency,” an exhibition by artists Kristy Hughes and Alexandra Giannell that explores the concept of phenomenology, a truly immersive experience into the body, mind, and self. The work of art features abstract shapes and forms that allow the viewer to curate their own personalized experience via the artwork. Artists Hughes and Giannell combine artistic geniuses to utilize both large-scale 2D drawings, as well as 3D sculptures.

The differing use of medium between Hughes and Giannell highlights the phenomenological goal intertwining the two artists and their works in complementary ways. Giannell’s drawings mean to invoke a sense of both bodily presence and absence, hinting at the notion of infinity and life beyond the present moment. In contrast, Hughes’ 3D sculptures empower the self with color and form to interpret their own meaning of the artwork. The minimalist designs on Hughes’ sculptures easily draw the eye in and around the sculpture, further allowing for the 360-degree viewing.

Hughes and Giannell consider collective, imagined futures through works that investigate the bodily presence and the empowered voice. Giannell’s immersive drawings and paintings utilize the index of the body, interrogating the institutionalized systems by which they are contained, referencing the historical and the immediate. In contrast, Hughes’ sculptures embody the freed voice, boldly celebrating agency and empowerment, representing an optimistic present and imagined future. “Collective Agency” is an invitation to imagine inclusive spaces where all voices and bodies are valued and not suppressed. Environmental, architectural, and societal constrictions can prevent community-building and connection.

WHEN:  September 12 – October 28, Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. or by appointment

WHERE: Central Piedmont Central Campus, Parr Center, Dove Art Gallery, First Floor

ARTIST LECTURE: Virtual, October 4, at 12 p.m.
Link to Virtual Artist Lecture

Parr Center dedicated at Central Campus

Image of the new Parr Center on dedication day.

Dedication ceremony for the new Parr Center.

Dedication ceremony for your new Student Union and Library

Although the doors to the Parr Center — home of your first-ever Student Union, Hagemeyer Library, dining services, and much more — opened in July, the college threw a big party in its honor this week. View the recording of the event livestream.

Photo of Dr. Deitemeyer and Wilton Parr.

Central Piedmont President Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer and Wilton Parr.


The building is named for two incredibly generous college donors, Wilton L. and Mary W. Parr. The college celebrated the Parr family and also thanked the many Central Piedmont employees and students who partnered with architects and builders to create this one-of-a-kind facility that’s designed just for you, our students.     

Local elected leaders such as Mecklenburg County Commission Chairman George Dunlap and Mayor Vi Lyles spoke at the dedication event to show their excitement and support for what the new Parr Center means for our students, and for this entire community.

Parr Center website from Central Piedmont with large photo of the glass building at Central Campus

Introducing the New Parr Center Web Page!

Want to know more about the Parr Center? Take a moment to visit its new home online to get the scoop.

You can find an overview of the facility as well as details about what’s on every floor. You can also review our online Parr Center guide.  We hope you will come visit, hang out for awhile, find your study spot in the library and grab a bite to eat!

Attend Brightspace Orientations for success with online classes

Nervous about taking your first online course in Brightspace, Central Piedmont’s course Learning Management System? We can help! Our one hour, virtual instructional sessions will give you hands-on experience with Brightspace.

White B inside orange circle: logo for Brightspace by D2LThese sessions will demonstrate how to:

  • navigate Brightspace
  • turn on notifications
  • download the Brightspace Pulse app
  • take quizzes
  • upload assignments
  • post discussions
  • complete an Enrollment Verification Activity 

These sessions are open to all students. We think you should strongly consider signing up for this additional help if you: 

  • are new to Central Piedmont
  • are an English as a Foreign Language student
  • do not feel comfortable with technology

We also encourage you to use the Brightspace Resource Guide for extra help if needed. Our goal is to make sure you are comfortable with the tools you need to be successful in class. We can’t wait to see you there!

View the
Brightspace practice sessions schedule and register today.

In-person FAFSA Friday workshops

FAFSA Federal Student Aid logo

Need financial aid help? In-person group workshops are ongoing on Fridays for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) assistance.

Available on Fridays from 2–4 p.m, on the following campuses:

  • Cato Campus: Cato I, Room 232
  • Harris Campus: Harris I, Room 2113
  • Levine Campus: Levine I, Room 2213
  • Merancas Campus: Merancas IV, Room 104

All sessions are held in-person and on a first-come, first-served basis. Advance registration is not required; walk-ins are welcomed.

Learn what to bring to your FAFSA workshop.
Need help, but can’t come in person? Virtual workshops are also available.

Veteran Women’s Health Services Workshop on May 11

Join Military Families and Veterans Services Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Cato Campus, Cato II Auditorium, Room 20 (ground level) at Central Piedmont Community College.

If you are a woman who has served in the military and are not enrolled in VA health care, this program is for you. If you have TRICARE and/or private insurance, you could still be eligible for VA services.

This Women Veterans Health Reengagement Training (heaRT) session will walk you through:

  • women’s health services
  • whole health and mental health services
  • how to determine VA care eligibility and enroll in VA

Learn more about the event and register today!

Time to Celebrate Two Digital Equity Days

Student using phone and laptop in open seating areaDigital Equity Act funding is now available to the state of North Carolina, and they are preparing to award grants totaling 1.25 million each year for four years. As the nation and the state of North Carolina embrace the need for digital equity, there are two opportunities for students and employees at Central Piedmont to support this movement.

  • The first opportunity is on May 13th., ‘National Digital Inclusion Day’ (NDID) The purpose of NDID is to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital equity and inclusion.

  • The second opportunity is ‘Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), held on May 19th. GAAD aims to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital access and inclusion and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.

Jessica Rosenworcel, FCC Commissioner, says, ”To have a fair shot at 21st-century success, you need access to modern communications and the internet.”

To begin the celebration and learn more about these two essential events, visit the LibGuide on National Digital Inclusion Day and Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

You can also contact Don Michael, Digital Literacy Specialist, for the Digital Literacy Learning Space service to become more comfortable with Brightspace, WebEx, email, and many other technologies. Get the technology help you need to be successful!

U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal visited Central Piedmont

On April 12, U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal visited Central Piedmont Community College on our Central Campus to learn about Central Piedmont’s apprenticeship and other workplace learning programs. He also took a tour of the state-of-the-art Ruth G. Shaw Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal speaking to students during tour

U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal visits Central Piedmont Community College, and tours the Ruth G. Shaw Advanced Technology Center, April 12th, 2022

Central Piedmont was honored to host Under Secretary Kvaal and discuss how apprenticeships and other workplace learning programs prepare students for well-paying, high-demand careers in some of the Charlotte region’s fastest-growing industries.

Under Secretary Kvaal began his visit with a roundtable discussion about how apprenticeship programs benefit employers by providing a pipeline of well-trained talent. Several college and Workplace Learning Department leaders took part in the discussion, including:

  • Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer, president
  • Dr. Heather Hill, vice president – academic affairs
  • Mr. Jeff Lowrance, vice president – communications, marketing & public relations
  • Mr. Ed Injaychock, director – workplace learning

After the discussion, the group moved to the Ruth G. Shaw Advanced Technology Center where Mr. Rinav Mehta, dean of business, technology and engineering, and members of his team led the tour of the ATC. It is a 79,194 square-foot, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing, engineering, logistics and energy-related careers training facility that opened in 2018. Its prominent location on Central Piedmont’s Central Campus points to its importance  in developing a highly skilled workforce in Mecklenburg County and the college’s ongoing efforts to provide opportunities for increased economic mobility.

The  Shaw Advanced Technology Center includes:

  • Mechatronics and Automation Labs
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Labs
  • Engineering FabLab (fabrication lab)
  • CNC Machining Lab
  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Labs
  • 13 Computer Labs
  • 11 Specialized Equipment Labs