Talk Like a Pirate Day is Back!

September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. In order to celebrate the day in style, why not check out some of the pirate-related booty that the library has to offer?

The History of Pirates

The Pirates of Colonial North Carolina

Piracy: The Complete History

Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates

Blackbeard: The Real Pirate of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean Movies

And, of course, the classic of pirate tales:

Treasure Island

Ever wanted to learn to talk like a pirate?  You’re in luck!  Mango Languages offers a language course in Pirate!

Follow these five easy steps to get started speaking Pirate:

  • Go to Mango Languages (if you’re off-campus, you will need to log-in with your CPCC Login at this point)
  • Create an account or simply log-in, if you already have one. (This account is different from your CPCC Login.)
  • After logging in, select Courses from the menu.
  • Choose Pirate from the menu listing of languages.
  • Click Launch to begin learning Pirate!

(And remember, once International Talk Like a Pirate Day is over, you can still use Mango Languages to learn a new language, such as French or Spanish.)

Mango Pirate is also available to library patrons via the Mango Mobile Library Edition smartphone apps.